The dramatist wrote up a story idea in the form of a one - act play 剧作家把情节大意写成了一个独幕剧。
The dramatist wrote up a story idea in the form of a one - act play 剧作家把情节大意写成了一个独幕剧。
He has written several one - act plays , but only one full - length play 他写了几部独幕剧,但只写了一部正常长度的长剧。
G . l . horton s one - act plays 中国京剧戏考
I wrote a one - act play , among the first the debut at the new campus theater 我写了一部独幕剧,在新学校剧场里第一批初次上映。
Contains many one - act plays for small to large productions put on by teens -以演出儿童戏剧为主,提供剧团演出活动人员培训及教师研习资讯
It combines in forms the traits of chinese and foreign plays , and constructs the basic form of the one - act play of the modem drama in the period of may 4th movement 在戏剧形式上融会了中外戏剧的特点,建构了“五四”时期话剧独幕剧的基本形式。
A one-act play is a play that has only one act, as distinct from plays that occur over several acts. One-act plays may consist of one or more scenes.